The author hot seat specials are designed to help
readers get to know both popular and up and coming authors a little better.
The questions are broken into sections - About your writing, about you, fun
stuff and finally. Some of the questions are easy, other may need a little more
thought and some may cause our author friends to hesitate before answering—still,
they all answer.
Today we welcome Erotic romance author, Diane Demetre, to the hot seat. he's telling us about her new book and answering the tricky questions, there's also a fantastic giveaway from her at the end of the post. So let's get started.
us about your latest book. What was your inspiration for writing it, is it part
of an ongoing series, the characters, the genre etc?
Dance to a Gypsy Beat is the third book
in my erotic romance Dance of Love series. Although all the books in the series
are stand-alone titles, there is a familial thread tying them together which
adds a deeper dimension to the stories. The books in this series were voted
Luminosity Publishing Readers’ Choice for Best Books and Best Covers for 2015
and 2016.
About your writing:
How many books
have you written during your career so far and which is your favorite?
I’ve written and had published three erotic romances. My
fourth book is romantic suspense which hasn’t been published yet and is
probably my favourite to date. I’m hoping to see it out later this year.
Have any of your books received negative reviews and how did you
handle the situation?
I had one, but I ignored it. You
can always tell whether bad reviews are legitimate or not. If a reader is sincere
about their comment, you can see it by the way they write their review. But
mostly, negative reviews are from people who admit to not even finishing the
book or from people who made the wrong choice in the first place by choosing your
book. For example, why would someone choose erotic romance if they get offended
by red hot sex scenes?
Do you believe
in writer’s block and if so, how do you overcome it?
haven’t experienced writer’s block, maybe because I write what comes to me
rather than thinking what to write. I lean into my inspiration and wait for it
to guide me. I think writer’s block is something created from impatience. The
key is to trust the muse and follow her lead.
What is the one genre you would never
write and why?
Not so much a genre, but I can only
write in the ‘light’. I can’t write about dark themes and have turned down
publishing offers to write in the ‘dark.’
Have you ever
written a book that you’ve regretted publishing and why?
Not yet.
If a reader
said they wanted to write a book, what advice would you give them?
Go ahead, but be prepared to sacrifice lots and lots and lots
of time.
About you:
Tell us what a
typical day in your life is like?
Up early, take the
puppies for a walk, meditate, go to the gym, yoga or dance class, do a couple
of hours on my other business, then write all afternoon, one hour for dinner,
then back in the office to write for a few hours at night.
What sort of things put you in a bad mood?
Being too
hard on myself.
Do you have a bucket list and what’s one thing you still want to do that you
haven’t done?
Fly into outer space on Virgin Gallatica
What makes you
Silly things my husband says, loving things my puppies
do and the joy of being alive.
What is the most embarrassing thing
you’ve ever done?
I talked far too long in my
wedding speech.
Do you like to read and what are you reading at the moment?
I love reading. At the moment, I’m reading The Road
Back by Liz Harris
If you couldn’t write anymore,
what would you do instead?
But why couldn’t I
write anymore? Unless I’m brain-dead, I can write J
Fun Stuff:
If you could go out with one famous person who would it be and why?
Jesus Christ… I want to hear his story told his way.
Do you have a habit that drives your partner/friends/family nuts and
what is it?
Being bossy
In your opinion, what makes a person attractive?
Sense of humour
What is the strangest food
you’ve ever eaten?
Raw snails in China… I spat
them out once I felt the wiggle
Would you rather have a
classic 1969 convertible Mustang or have the use of a beach side condo any time
you want?
Beach side condo. I can’t write in the
And finally:
you rather survive an apocalyptic event (yes, even a zombie apocalypse) or die
instantly without knowing what happened to your family and friends?
Die… because we’ll all be on the
other side anyway. Then we get to start all over again J
Dancing Queen by Diane Demetre
One woman … Two men … A dance of love
that lasts a lifetime
Michele Johnston, a sexy forty-two-year-old ex-dancer from the Moulin Rouge
gets divorced, she leaps into her new world of singledom with unbridled
passion. Having been in monogamous relationships all her life, she decides to
cast off her inhibitions and release her repressed sexuality through casual
and abetted by three vivacious girlfriends, Michele embarks on her new erotic
adventures but gets more than she expects, when mysterious yacht captain
Mark Miller unleashes her wanton desires.
complicating matters, debonair Greek businessman Nick Stavros arrives on the
scene and falls madly in love with her, promising the happy-ever-after ending.
Although not her type, Michele finds his charm and persistence strangely
But will
she give up her newfound freedom? Will she choose one man over the other? And
who’s the special someone she’s been unconsciously searching for all her life?
Reader Advisory: This book contains a sexually empowered
heroine and willing men to fulfil her desires. Casual sex scenes with
recreational drug use.
Buy links for Diane's books
About the Author:

Diane weaves the magical divine feminine through her stories... perhaps in the guise of an accidental meeting with a magnificent stranger, a crazy French tarot card reader or the voice of the Goddess in the mind of the female protagonist. The divine feminine always gives a helping hand to her heroines, empowering them forward on their journey to their happy-ever-after.
The Dance of Love series consists of three steamy, stand-alone, erotic romance titles with red hot ratings. Her debut novel, Dancing Queen was voted Luminosity Publishing’s Best Book and Best Cover for 2015, while Tiny Dancer and Dance to a Gypsy Beat were voted Best Book and Best Cover for 2016.
Catch up with Diane on Social Media:
TWITTER Diane Demetre@DianeDemetre
Diane is giving away 2 personally signed paperback editions of her debut novel, Dancing Queen.
To enter, sign up to Diane's newsletter at and complete the Contact Form on her website, including the phrase Jan Graham in your message.
Good luck everyone :)
Good luck everyone :)
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