Thursday 26 June 2014

New Release Sneaky Peek - Torn Between Two Lovers by Jennifer Denys

Torn Between Two Lovers by Jennifer Denys is the second in  her ‘The Haunt of the Wolves’ series. The book is released on the 25th June and is available from Siren Publishing at
Genre:  Paranormal (werewolf)/BDSM/MFM
Length: 40k


The mysterious werewolf entity from ‘Collared by Wolves’ is called on again when lovely submissive shifter Evie Pierce, runs out on her alpha werewolf Dom, tall and hunky Stefan Russell. A handsome human, Jace Talbot, a visitor to the area, who doesn’t know that werewolves exist, rescues her from malicious rogues who attack her in the forest.

As she recovers they begin to fall in love, but Evie has a dilemma. She is torn between Jace and his sensual, romantic ways and her old BDSM life with Stefan, and all the excitement that brings.

A confrontation between the two men leads to a stark realization, horror, and betrayal. This changes all their lives as they struggle to understand what has happened, and then a natural disaster means the two men have to work together. But what will happen once it’s all over? Whom will she choose? Human or werewolf? Gentle or rough?


The rain lashed at Evie’s face as she exited her car, hitting her cheeks like pinpricks, and she turned away, causing her hair to blow into her eyes. Irritated, she swiped it away with a growl.
Like members of her wolf family, she abhorred storms. It didn’t matter when she was in her wolf self as her fur was thick and waterproof, but when it was turning into a gale like this one was, she instinctively wanted to find her fellow wolves and curl up under the pines, noses tucked in, sharing heat, staying safe.
Instead she was in her human form about to visit Jace.
Things had got better with Stefan. In the last week he had worked hard to refresh her submissive training, and it had been successful. She seemed to have gotten past her fears. In the meantime, he was somehow gentler than he had been before, more caring. It was a welcome surprise. Evie wondered if it was because of the attack or because he feared her leaving him for Jace.
But whether to marry him or not was still up in the air, and she knew he desperately wanted an answer from her. He had even gone as far as telling her that he would take no other submissives if she was his mate as well as his sub.
“Really?” She had been skeptical.
He had cupped her face. “If that’s what it takes for you to be my mate.”
Evie believed him, but somehow, her past jealousies didn’t matter that much-except Brenda. She would always be the thorn in Evie’s side. The issue instead was which of her lovers she would miss more if she had to give one up. That was why she was now standing outside Jace’s front door—to make a decision one way or another.
Meanwhile, part of her was apprehensive that Jace wouldn’t want to see her or his leave was about to come to an end. She wondered if she had told him she loved him when they’d been together if it would have made a difference.
Evie gave a wry grin. The ideal situation would be to have two men, like Tasha had her four. She’d have the best of both worlds then, Stefan and the BDSM, Jace and the romance—except that Stefan would never allow it. She was also concerned what Stefan would say if he found out where she was now.
The wind changed direction at that moment, and a huge gust blew her forward just as Jace opened the door. Bracing herself for hard wood, instead she landed in a pair of soft arms. A welcoming embrace, she thought. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking.
“Whatever are you doing out here, Evie? For God’s sake, come on in.”
He ushered her inside and then struggled to close the door against the wind before turning around to face her.
Evie didn’t say a word, just drank in the gorgeous sight of him. His dark hair glittering with raindrops, eyes that seemed confused yet pleased to see her.
“It’s hell out there!” He smiled and shook his head to rid himself of the water in his hair.
Her heart fluttered. It was such a wolf thing to do she had to remind herself that he was human.
Clearing her throat, she finally responded. “It certainly is.”
Jace stood for a moment. “Um, as much as it’s wonderful to see you, Evie, why are you here?”
Evie shrugged. “I missed you,” she said in a quiet voice.
He thumbed over his shoulder, indicating outside, and grimaced. “And is the big guy, Mr. Rock-hard-muscles-who-will-smash-me-to-pieces or tear-me-limb-from-limb, gonna turn up next?”
She chuckled at his description of Stefan. Poor Jace had yet to see Stefan’s softer side. “Probably not.”
Jace lifted an eyebrow. “I was hoping it would be a ‘definitely not.’ I adore that you are here, but I also value my life, sweetheart.”
Closing her eyes, she bowed her head, trying to blink back tears. She had to make a decision. And make it now. Stefan or Jace? Rough or smooth? Dominant or submissive? Werewolf or human? She loved Stefan desperately, and she loved Jace equally.

About the author:

Jennifer Denys is an author of BDSM, sci-fi, werewolf and romantic comedy novellas with different publishers.
An Englishwoman through and through, she lives in a beautiful historical city in England with her pet rabbit who is thoroughly spoiled and is the dominant one in her household...

She posts to her blog three times a week to keep readers up-to-date on forthcoming books and writing in general. Do email Jennifer she would love to hear from fans.

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